Friday 6 September 2013

A Quick Hello!

        We're pretty new to this.

As you can probably tell....

So let us start by introducing ourselves.

We're a couple of mentally unstable book fanatics located in a small corner of the world, where demons roam free, kinda...if you consider a couple of satanic tabbies to be demons.

As book addicts, we often live in fantasy worlds and find it difficult to separate imagination from reality. This leads to all sorts of problems, such as forgotten chores or homework, bumping into things while reading and walking at once, and occasionally having mental conversations with fictional characters in the middle of the street. (Note: Do not argue with fictional people in public spaces. You may receive strange looks from passersby, and risk the chances of ending up in a psych institution. Just warning you.)

Our particular brand of book addiction relates mostly to YA paranormal romance. Anything with vampires, werewolves, ghost, ghouls, demons, or any other monsters-under-the-bed that you can think of, you can be pretty sure we'll eat it up. And if it happens to include a hot and snarky guy character? Well. That's our favourite type. (For reference, see: Jace Wayland of The Mortal Instruments series. or Reid from the Unfortunate Blood series -

A little bit more personal?

Well, I'm Ember. Sherry and I have been best friends for fifteen years, ever since we met over the sandbox in nursery. Our shared love of books is just one of the many things that make us awesome friends. *Hi 5s Sherry*

Hey guys, I'm Sherry! Embers best friend, 15 years is a pretty long time, right?
We have both talked about starting this very blog for a pretty long time but we've never gotten around to it, until now.

Keep a look out for our first review coming your way quite soon!

Peace Out.
Sherz and Embz 

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